The introduction of the Physical Internet (PI, Π) has opened a paradigm-breaking field encompassing the hyperconnectivity and interoperability of smart logistics networks, transportation systems, manufacturing systems and supply chains, enabling seamless open asset sharing and flow consolidation on a massive scale. It aims to transform the way physical objects are moved, deployed, realized, supplied, designed and used all around the world so as to improve by an order-of-magnitude the overall induced performance in terms of economical, environmental and societal efficiency and sustainability.
IPIC 2016 aims to provide an open forum for researchers, innovators and practitioners to introduce leading edge concepts and methodologies; to review the state-of-the-art technologies and latest projects, and to identify critical issues and challenges for future Physical Internet induced research, innovation and implementation.
Full papers (research, white paper or case study) must respect the format guidelines which are available via downloading the below templates. Full papers should be at least 6 pages, but no more than 16 pages long (including figures and references), and clearly indicate the list of authors and their affiliation. All contributions are to be in English. Submitted contributions will be evaluated with regards to their suitability for the conference, originality and technical soundness.
*All submitted papers will be evaluated with regards to their suitability for the conference, originality and technical soundness.
The IPIC conference series supports the Physical Internet Initiative. Learn more at
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